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lunes, 27 de diciembre de 2010

Ricky Martin Book "Me" Review

I just finished Ricky Martin's new book "Me". I have to say it was really great and inspiring , the moment i finished reading it  i started to admire Ricky Martin as a great and amazing individual ,  he seems so connected to the world's problems and trying to fix them all .The real  true is "he doesn't have to do it!" , it is  not his problem and he does it anyway for his personal satisfaction,  i really admire him because he's got all that he wants and he can go anywhere any time and also have a very luxurious life , he is a dreamer and i fighter and i personally  identify myself in his person because he archieves his dreams , i think he is a person with real values to be proud of , i  highly recommend his book its really inspiring and full of positive stuff .You can also read about his personal life and he reveals his truth about his sexuality i do not say more about him i don't want to spoil you the book.

you can buy the digital version in spanish: (clic the links)

 1- digital version spanish casa del libro:Ricky Martin Digital Book Español Spanish

2- buy the book in english in amazon.com:Ricky Martin Book English

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